Thursday, February 3, 2011

Top 10 Key Ingredients of an Effective Speech and Speaker

In your opinion, what are the top 10 key ingredients in organizing, delivering, and presenting a speech?

Conversational Currency

What's happening in the news!? Describe an issue at the local, regional, state, national, or international level and tell us about the who, what, where, when, how, and why of what's really going on. Please refer to the Conversational Currency on the LibGuide for more information.

Overcoming Nervousness

Please post thr url for a website for dealing with or overcoming the FEAR of speaking publicly and tell us why this is a credible source and how it can help one overcome their fear.

Building Confidence

What can you learn from exemplary public speakers and who are they?

Knock, Knock Comments

The Rich Heritage of Public Speaking includes: Greek rhetoric with the Age of Aristotle, European Clergy, American Patriots, Chataqua speakers, Elocutionists, Martin Luther and his Articles of Faith, Media, Streaming Video and now accorindg to our authors the Spoken Word.

What is your definition of the spoken word? And in your opinion based upon the Knock, Knock - spoken word by Daniel Beaty, is this part of the rich heritage of public speaking? Why or why not?

Speech of Self Introduction

Please post your picture in the follower area. Also, please type your name and major and attach the VIMEO or VIMEO link to your post!